Printpack Digital Printing: Packaging Innovation
Through Design Flexibility
Packaging innovation influences how consumers value, choose, and use products. With Printpack Digital, packaging design, and innovation can speak to each consumer with hyper-customized packaging produced using Printpack’s digital printing capabilities.
Packaging is constantly evolving, but you can rely on Printpack Digital to benefit your business in various ways by increasing your speed to market. You can validate and test unique sustainability structures while producing a limited seasonal product. With digital printing, your product can be as unique as your customers.
Click on the icons below to learn more about the three major areas where Printpack’s digital printing can benefit your business and packaging:

Agility for packaging is at the top of the list for leading brands. Design flexibility in digital printing is beneficial in many ways including:
• Printing options that go beyond the capabilities of flexography and rotogravure such as variable content and hyper-customization.
• Custom codes for gaming and personalization.
• Reduced risk to experiment with new designs and packaging formats.

How can product flexibility be related to digital printing? Learn how digital printing can impact this valuable element of packaging:
• More timely and relevant product offerings.
• Packaging for seasonal/calendar/event-based promotions and limited editions.
• Packaging for heat seal or cold seal applications

INVENTORY enhancement
Digital printing can help enhance inventory flexibility for packaging. How? Read more here:
• Order sizes that fit product demand.
• Order sizes that fit marketing campaigns.
• No investment in printing plates or engraved cylinders.
• Reduction of obsolete inventory.